21 December 2006

Nice jumper!

Oh, and because I was planning on getting the later train again this morning to see either of my new imaginary boyfriends, I was rushing around so much I ended up putting on the wrong jumper. And then it was too late to change it and I had to leave with it still on.

So now I'm sitting at my desk in a three-year old black roll-neck and I look a little bit French.

Who the fuck's going to be interested in that?

Needless to say neither of the fuckers were on the train, so now I'm French and single.

Men are all bastards!


Han said...

I couldn't agree more. And believe me, no one is interested in French men so why don't you just take your jumper off, revealing your Philip Oliver 6 pack, for the rest of the day? It might help you on the single front.

Denim Boy said...

Han: I'm not sure anyone would prefer that over the French look.

Perhaps I should've stayed at home!

Eileen Dover said...

On the bright side, it's not a mock-knitted woolly jumper with patterns psuedo-knitted into it, right?

It could be worse. It could look cheap and weird!

Anonymous said...

You look French today? Hmmm. I have completely mixed feelings about that, DB.

I tagged you -- go take a look at my blog, baby.

Anonymous said...

You can't possibly go out in Soho in a black turtle net jumper - you'd be chased out of town. Go to Topman after work and buy a new outfit!

Denim Boy said...

Eileen: It absolutely i not that awful. Although, it does come from H&M, so it is fairly cheap.

LFM: I promise you I'm not in any way actually French, it's just with my side parting and the roll-neck, I definitely have a certain je ne sais quoi. (Also, have seen the tagging and am desperately thinking of all my fave Ps).

RB: I might have to take your advice, get a new top and bin this one before anyone sees it.