28 November 2006

Men I have loved (1)

#1 in an occasional series - Jared Leto

The programme My So Called Life was, as far as me and my friends were concerned, us. Kay was Angela (Clare Danes), Hannah was Rayanne (A J Langer) and I was a non-Hispanic Ricky (Wilson Cruz), coming to terms with my seshuality.

We were all as 'deep' and 'confused' as the stars of the show and the only thing we didn't have in our lives was a hunk of the same scale as Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto).

However, looking at him on screen was enough for me and those formative teenage years were spent thinking I was in love with him. His moody eyes, floppy hair and determination to self-destruct was what made my heart skip a beat.

Jared Leto, I salute you!


Anonymous said...

God that Claire gets all the good parts. First Jared, then Leo... Ricky scared me from coming out!

Denim Boy said...

Ms Danes is one lucky lady!