02 January 2007

This Life is Brilliant

Tonight my phone will be switched off from 9pm.

This Life is returning for a one-off special ten years after the second series ended.

It was watching this show as a sexually-confused teenager that made me realise I was going to end up moving to London one day.

Warren, one of the original 5 characters, was openly gay and a beacon of light in an otherwise shitty teen existence.

I've waited for a whole decade to see what happened to Miles and Anna, Milly and Egg and my fingers are crossed that Joe (Steve John Shepherd) will be making an appearance.

This is he:

And I loved him.


Anon Dirty said...

I'm so glad I'm net addicted, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed this post nor would I have set aside 9pm for "This Life" fun.

As a kid, I too loved Joe.

And Egg.

And all the gratuitous cock shots.

Denim Boy said...

AD: I'm so glad I'm net-addicted too, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that you'd commented on this post and are a This Life fan, as well.

Oh, the cock shots.

And the cottaging.

And the constant bumming.

It had it all, didn't it?

Anon Dirty said...

It did have everything except the pivotal scene where Egg cheats on Milly in retaliation for her infidelity by pounding Joe.

Other than that, I'm good.

Anonymous said...

I'm amused. I loved This Life and don't remember any cockshots. I do remember the drugs though.
Although when I saw the repeats a few weeks ago, I did wind up with motion sickness for some reason.

Mummy said...

I heart This Life, I dont remember cockshots tho! I need to see the one-off, hope they sell it down here. (and play the original first so i can catch up on cockshots and cottaging)

MommyHeadache said...

Oh God, oh shit, how am I going to manage to see this in the USA? That series was so, so brilliant and everyone could relate to that boozing singles lifestyle we all had in our twenties (well I was in my twenties sounds like you were in your teens).

I always remember Warren saying something like "When night falls, a young man's thoughts turn to cock," in his deep Welsh voice. He was a great character.

Ten years on...I reckon Miles will be divorced. I hope he gets together with Anna. I don't think Milly and Egg will have got back together after Milly's indiscretion....oh God, can't wait to see it. Thanks for alerting me to this.

Anonymous said...

Well that was a vaguely interesting show. I thought they all looked great, and it cheered me up as I sat there being 32 to see that they hadn't aged either.

And then they had that programme afterwards with the clips from the original and they all looked about 12 with luminous glowing skin.

Ah, mortality. Great.

Denim Boy said...

Fweng/Joie: Hmm, maybe I've imagined the cockshots purely because I wanted to see them. Although, did we not get to see Egg's sausage at some point?

Having watched it and the 'making of' straight after, I am very satisfied. I won't spoil it for any ladies living stateside, but my only real gripe was the location. The original 6th character in the first 2 series was London Town herself and this reunion lacked the landmarks as it was country-bound.

Still, I think it was worth waiting 10 years.

Denim Boy said...

Also, my favourite line of the whole show was Miles's explanation for not getting to know Warren as well as he could have:

"He was always out at night cottaging - what are you gonna do?"

Soul Seared Dreamer said...
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Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Crap I missed it. Oh well. Maybe I'll catch the +20...

Denim Boy said...

SSD: Yes, my friend, you're a tad too late. I'm sure they'll repeat it for you.

Tequilla Mockingbird said...

You got to see Egg's cock?

Cut to me running out and buying every single series and going into hiding with some boy butter and a box of donuts........and who said christmas was over.

I watched it last night and it was great. I felt it touched people. And while nobody was looking, I touched myself.

Denim Boy said...

TM: I'd expect nothing less from you, Tequila.